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  • Discover


discover a one-of-a-kind educational experience in an international environment

A Silicon Valley International School education has a rich, multi-layered curriculum. We cultivate our students’ creativity, critical thinking, physical health, emotional well-being, and cultural literacy through various subjects, activities, and experiences.

the arts

At INTL, artistic expression is considered another “language,” another way for our students to communicate. Students engage their creativity through the visual arts, drama, music, and more.

design thinking

At INTL, we embrace design thinking and the Maker Education movement as a dynamic new way of thinking about teaching and learning.

technology + coding

Technology is fully embedded across curricula in our Elementary and Middle School classrooms – starting with computer programming as early as 1st Grade. A rigorous progression of skills from 1st Grade to Middle School allows students to expand and apply their knowledge of technological tools to achieve specific goals.


Physical education is an essential part of a child’s growth. Engaging in physical activity both individually and in a team setting helps students build a healthy lifestyle, develop character, improve communication skills, and do better in class.


INTL offers a wide array of after-school enrichment programs to complement and enhance our curriculum.

education +
foreign exchange

Each year, upper elementary, middle, and high school students have the opportunity to participate in international exchange and travel. These unique experiences are thoughtfully aligned with our curriculum and help to solidify students’ language skills as well as expand their cultural understanding.

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Notice of Nondiscriminatory policy as to students

Silicon Valley International School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

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